Airworthiness Alert-Cessna 177 and 210
Now Offering Cessna 177 and 210 Eddy Current Wing Carry Thru Spar Inspection In reference to the Mandatory SEL Airworthiness Alert. Please Contact us if you want to discuss or Schedule a Inspection.
More InfoPA28 & PA32 Piper AD 2020-26-16
Now Offering Piper PA 28 & PA32 Eddy Current Spar Inspection In reference to the AD 2020-26-16. Please Contact us if you want to discuss or Schedule a Inspection.
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Ultrasonic Class NOW!
Class Dates are Level One Training Sept 17th-21st & Level Two Training Nov 14th-18th. Contact for more Information
More InfoKing Air 2020-25-01 AD
New King Air AD - In Effect January 11th! Please Contact us if you want to discuss or Schedule a Inspection.
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PA-28 AD 2020-26-16 Wing Spar Inspection
Aircraft Structural Inspections has performed the PA-28s and PA-32 Wing Spar Eddy Current Inspection. This is a bolt hole eddy current inspection using either semi automatic, manual, or pencil probe bolt hole scanning technique. ASI has capabilities for all techniques. The inspection calls for the inspection of two of the outboard bolts holes where the wing spar comes together from the bottom to the top of the holes on both the Right & Left hand side. While reading the AD 2020-26-16 you may have noticed that there are some differences between the AD and the Piper SB No. 1345A. The SB 1345A specifies doing the eddy current inspection upon reaching 5,000 hours TIS; however, AD requires using the factored service hours to identify the airplanes at the highest risk of developing fatigue cracks. The AD 2020-26-16 has provided us with a formula to determine if your aircraft is at the highest risk or not (The Formula is listed in the AD 2020-26-16, or in our FAQ area). Piper SB No. 1345A also specifies using its feedback form to report the eddy current inspection results, but this AD requires the use of a different form, both are listed below with other related documentation including the NEW AD 2020-26-16 and SB 1345A as well as the related NTSB report which is the reason for this whole inspection. If you have questions about anything please look at our FAQ area or you are welcome give us a call or send us an email. You can also contact us for scheduling and pricing.
Additional Piper AD 2020-24-05, Corrosion AD. This AD was prompted by reports of corrosion found in an area of the main wing spar not easily accessible for inspection. This AD requires inspecting the left and right main wing spars for corrosion, and, if corrosion is found, taking all necessary corrective actions. 2020-24-05 is meant to detect and correct corrosion in the wing root area of the left and the right main wing spars through visual inspection. Once visually Inspected, if no corrosion is found after visual no further action is required. If corrosion is found then the corrosion is removed and the area will be Inspected again with Ultrasonic NDT Method to determine if the thickness is within acceptable limits. Check out more about AD 2020-24-05 in the links below.
AMOC Information, The FAA has asked aviation groups to spread the word that owners of affected PA-28s and PA-32s who had their spars checked before the AD became final on Jan. 15 have to file paperwork to obtain an alternative method of compliance (AMOC) in order to maintain their aircraft’s airworthiness. Please use the below Links & Documents: to ensure that you are fully informed. We have a guide on what to do as well as a example AMOC letter to the FAA. If you have any additional questions, or concerns please use the below Contact US: section.
Contact Us: Links & Documents:
Email: AD 2020-26-16
Mobile Phone #: (870)-270-6007 AD Inspection Form
Office Phone #: (870)-269-3556 SB 1345A
Shop Phone #: (870)-269-6007 SB 1345 Feedback Form
. PA-28 NTSB Report
. PA-28 SB 1345
. AD 2020-24-05
. SB 1304A
. AMOC Information
. Sample AMOC Letter
. AMOC Guide
. AIR-21-07
. Piper SB 1366
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